Online Reviews and Reputation Management

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Summa Digital Production

Online reviews from your existing customers will amplify your online brand to help acquire new customers and retain current customers. Online review generation, management & marketing is the practice of crafting strategies that shape or influence the public perception of an organization, individual or other entity on the Internet with online reviews. Online reviews help drive public opinion about a business and its products and services establishing confidence and trust in a business based on the reviews of other consumers. Studies show that 88% of people will trust online reviews equally as much as a recommendation from a friend. It also shows that 92% of people will search a company online before they buy. What does your online profile say about you?

Do you have some bad reviews about your company? Whether warranted or unwarranted, they affect how potential customers view your business and will in return result in lower sales. We have strategies to help your online reputation so customers can buy from you with confidence!


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